English / Castellano This is the formulation chosen by our General Chapter to express the first of the Keys of Life of the Order, framed in the so-called nucleus that constitutes the “centrality of Jesus Christ in our life and mission“. Two options are proposed […]
News Salutatio Patris Generalis SpiritualityEnglish / Castellano Virtual Piarist presence: a proposal taken from GC47 to walk towards the digital place where, in themidst of the ocean of information, we can offer an oasis of formative stability. It is about reflecting onhow to make ourselves present to those who […]
News SpiritualityEnglish / Castellano Download The Letter (PDF) Thus begins the third chapter of our Constitutions, dedicated to Piarist community life. And so begins the second “key of life” of our 48th General Chapter, which proposes “to revitalize our community life and to take special care of […]
News Salutatio Patris Generalis SpiritualityEnglish / Castellano “Your Voice” is the new slogan proposed by the Calasanz Movement to all the Pious Schools. The new slogan aims to “follow the synodal process of the Church and communicate to all and, above all, to each young person: we want to […]
Calasanz Movement NewsEnglish / Castellano In July 16, 2022, we remember with immense joy the day when Pope Clement XIII proclaimed our Founder a Saint. The process, in the beginning, was not easy, but with work, insistence, faith, documentation, proofs, and miracles, Joseph Calasanz was elevated to […]
NewsEnglish / Castellano On Saturday, July 9, we had the first outing for the whole group. The day before we were able to get to know each other a little better and enjoy La Última comunión de San José de Calasanz and the Gaztambide museum. […]
News VocationsEnglish / Castellano To be the new Calasanz… For three weeks, from June 27 to July 17, 2022, 32 Piarists from all over the Piarist geography, recently ordained or about to be ordained Piarist Priests, left Madrid to follow the footsteps of our Holy Founder […]
News VocationsEnglish / Castellano July 16 and 17 were very significant days for all the participants in the CALASANCTIAN ROUTE and for the two communities of the General Houses in Rome. Our confrere NGUYỄN VĂN VIỆT received priestly ordination on July 16, the anniversary of the […]
News VocationsEnglish / Castellano Once again, the USA-PR Province was clothed with the joy of the Lord in the Solemn Profession of our brother José Juan Reséndiz Sch. P., who at 47 years of age said yes to the Lord totally and forever, in the Chapel […]
News VocationsEnglish / Castellano “Your Voice” is the new slogan proposed by the Calasanz Movement to all the Pious Schools. The new slogan aims to “follow the synodal process of the Church and communicate to all and, above all, to each young person: we want to […]
English / Castellano The coordinating team of the Calasanz Movement in the Province of the USA-PR met at the Church of the Annunciation in Manhattan, New York on February 15, 2020. Father Manuel Sánchez, Sch.P., who was recently ordained a priest, was the principal celebrant […]
English / Castellano Dear Friends,With a renewed spirit of gratitude for life and faith, I would like to begin this letter by sharing solidarity with you in these times of the pandemic. It seems to be endless. Our lives have become uncertain. The effects of […]
English / Castellano Dear Friends,On behalf of the Piarist Fathers of the Province of the United States and Puerto Rico, I would like to extend cordial greetings to you. Your kindness toward us is truly a blessing from God. Therefore, in short, my message to […]
English / Castellano Dear Friends, It is with great joy that I can communicate with you as we celebrate the gift of life despite so many threats, which surround us. I would like to begin with an expression, which always fills my heart with joy: […]
English / Castellano This is the formulation chosen by our General Chapter to express the first of the Keys of Life of the Order, framed in the so-called nucleus that constitutes the “centrality of Jesus Christ in our life and mission“. Two options are proposed […]
English / Castellano Download The Letter (PDF) Thus begins the third chapter of our Constitutions, dedicated to Piarist community life. And so begins the second “key of life” of our 48th General Chapter, which proposes “to revitalize our community life and to take special care of […]
English / Castellano A few days before leaving for Mexico to participate in the General Chapter, I traveled from Rome to Genoa to accompany a young Italian, Elia Guerra, on his priestly ordination. The journey from Rome to Genoa by train takes five hours, which […]
English / Castellano Over the next few months, we will be receiving, piece by piece, various information and materials relating to the General Chapter of the Order, recently held in Mexico. I would like to dedicate this fraternal letter to share with all of you […]